The Stone Keepers - Final Book Cover Artwork: The Chosen, The Lodhir, The One.
The Stone Keepers - Final Book Cover Artwork: The Chosen, The Lodhir, The One.
The Stone Keepers - Final Book Cover Artwork: The Chosen, The Lodhir, The One.

The Stone Keepers - Final Book Cover Artwork: The Chosen, The Lodhir, The One.

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Book cover design for author Karlana Kasarik.

Stone Keepers, ‘The Chosen’ (book one), by Karlana Kasarik
is available to buy online at:

About the author:

Karlana, the author of this enthralling fast-paced fantasy-adventure trilogy for 10 -14 year-olds, explains her motivation:

“I was inspired to write the Stone Keepers trilogy after meeting many parents who were frustrated that there was a lack of engrossing adventure books that would appeal to both boys and girls, without the darker or confronting themes that are often found in the teen and young adult market. It is a story about kids who were average young teenagers before they were thrown into an unexpected situation. Now, they must find a way out of it - and save the world from evil.”